Visiting a Startup of the Future in Rotterdam: Gerrard Street
Hopefully, it’s something
useful to you.

reverse engineers
Gerrard Street is a startup of the future, which focusses on the circular economy. They make a subscription-based modular headphone. That means that when a part is broken, they will send you a new part and will repair the broken parts for free.
Later, I will post an interview with Tom, one of the founders of Gerrard Street. So make sure to subscribe if you want to learn more about his story.
Gerrard Street:
Working on your ideas is the best thing you can do and achieving a goal is the best feeling you can have. But sometimes, you don’t have the confidence nor the resources to execute on your ideas to make it work.
Hi, I’m Weeri. As a jack of all trades, there are simply too many things I like to do and so many ideas I want to work on. The problem is that I also have equally as many excuses not to work on my ideas.
By creating the right tools & searching for the ingredients to live free, be open, stay curious, and get creative, I make inevitable challenges in pursuing my goals more fun.
With reverse engineers, I’m building a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs. The mission is to support you in exploring and developing your talents and skills and make inevitable challenges in pursuing your goals more fun by providing tools & ingredients to live free, be open, stay curious, and get creative.
In this Go From Zero VLOG series, I want to take you along in the process of how I try to roll out concepts and turn them into a business to help myself and hopefully you, to get rid of any excuses to execute on ideas and just make it work.
Subscribe if you want to make it work.