Crazy Thai Birthday Party: Bring Your Own Hot Sauce
Hopefully, it’s something
useful to you.

reverse engineers
It’s my mom’s 55th birthday and she invited all her Thai friends over to celebrate a somewhat crazy Thai birthday celebration, where people bring their own hot sauce.
Hi, I’m Weeri. As a jack of all trades, there are simply too many things I like to do and so many ideas I want to create.
I’m constantly battling different challenges to make my life more chill. Often times, the challenges are limited by a lack of resources such as time, money, skills, network, etc.
But mostly, I’m my own biggest challenge by limiting myself, because I don’t have the balls (self-confidence) to act upon my ideas.
So, to get in the right mindset I’ve formulated a simple rule I live by: to live like a FOCCER. Free, Open, Curious, and Creative.
With this FOCCER lifestyle, I want to act upon my ideas. I want to do and create more so I can explore and develop my talents to make the challenges in life more chill.