Laos drinking food: Duck Blood Salad
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reverse engineers
Just a quick little impression of a dish which contains raw duck blood. It’s called LEUD PED (blood duck) and it contains barbecued duck pieces, duck broth fresh herbs, a lot of lime, fish sauce and off course the raw duck blood.
Once the dish is served, you have to let it rest for a while. This gives the blood time to coagulate and form a sort of natural jelly. At first, and still, I’m a bit crazed about the idea of eating raw jellied blood.
Though, if you cut through the idea of eating raw blood, the taste is great. Rich in flavor and different textures. Sour, grilled meat, fresh herbs. Crunchy from peanuts, chewy from duck meat.
It sure isn’t a dish for the faint-hearted. But if you are a bit adventurous, you sure have to try a bite of this.