5 Reasons to Road Trip Indonesia
Hopefully, it’s something
useful to you.

reverse engineers
Islands are perfect for short road trips. Especially islands like Bali and Lombok, because there are still so many parts unknown. If you still have a doubt that a road trip is the best way to explore then check out these five reasons why you should.
So, you’re on Lombok. You’re enjoying this infinity pool with the endless view.
But, that’s not enough for you. You want to see a beach. A majestic beach. -With not too many people please-
You get in a Taxi, for which you pay way too much. You drive for over two hours when the taxi drops you off. You put your ass down to get this… Not bad at all, right?
re: Here are five (or six) reasons you should make this trip to Mawun beach on a motorbike instead of in a car.
1) On a motorbike, you will have a complete sense of freedom
2) You will definitely get lost, so you will have to ask a local for the directions and have the opportunity to casually take pictures.
3) You will meet locals who will, only when you’re nice, give you a free fresh coconut and show you the local pop star.
4) You will stumble upon hidden places, such as a totally empty beach.
5) You will see cute local kids you can take pictures of so you can prove to all of your Facebook friends that you are a warm-hearted person.
6) Can you really say that you have been exploring a country if you haven’t got lost at least a second, and a third time?
And when you’ve finally arrived at your destination, the reward of a Nasi Goreng and a dive with your belly in some clear blue water is super rewarding.
Ok, to be fair, the road can be daunting and dangerous. And if you travel in a car, you don’t have to find a shelter for the tropical rains, to talk about a thing called: LIFE.
When I’m traveling, I think it’s nice to imagine some places I want to visit. But the scariest, and at the same time, the most fun part is getting lost on a road trip.