Is this Crisis the end of Small Family Farms?

Apr 9, 2020 | THAT'S CRAZY

reverse engineers

reverse engineers

In March 2019 I shot an item about plastic recycling with this small family farm as the decor.

Now, a year later the world has turned upside down. With the whole Coronavirus COVID-19 situation and the coming economic crisis ahead, I’m wondering if there is any future for small family farms like these.

This is the small Kouperus’ family farm in Friesland, the Netherlands is run by father, mother, and son. They have a whole bunch of grown-up sheep and baby sheep, grazing and running around freely. And they have 20 milk cows, or so.

Two times a day, the cows are milked. Not in a massive industrialized way with state of the art machines for more efficiency. Just one by one.

I’m not a farmer. But for what I can see, the cows have plenty of space to stand or lay down. They have plenty of food and can eat whenever they’d like too and shit whenever they please. And, as I’ve been told, during summer, these cows will walk around freely in the world-famous green dutch grass fields.

Small family farms like his one are a rare breed though. A day worth of milk fits in this fairly small container and together with the sheep and selling Christmas trees as a side hustle during winter, this family earns just enough to make ends meet.

In a quickly changing landscape, I hope that we are not only pushing for commercially, more, bigger, larger, better and efficient. I hope that we can go the other way, to smaller and more personal, where there’s still a face and place for people to take time to do what they love.

That’s Crazy explores the world of things that might be strange to someone, but everyday life for someone else. That’s Crazy!

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Reverse Engineers is all about feeding your curiosity and working on all kinds of ideas. #GoFromZero to escape the daily rut and make it fun to figure out what to do in life.

*A FOCCER is an adventurous person who wants to Live Free, is OPEN to what the world has to offer, is Curious by Nature, and has an untamable will to Get Creative. Are you a FOCCER? Check

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